A People's Movement

  • Indian Christian Day / Yeshu Bhakti Divas is a People's Movement to celebrate the person and message of Lord Jesus Christ in India.
  • A founding principle of the Movement is that it does not create (and it does not encourage, accept, or endorse) any legal entity or any formal mechanism for control, administration and fund-raising.
  • The entire vision of the Movement is of grass-roots volunteer effort, and grass-roots donations supporting grass-roots initiatives for the purpose of celebrating July the 3rd each year as ICD/ YBD by means of love, service to the poorest and most disadvantaged, and celebration.
  • The Movement exists to encourage individuals and groups who share the vision and whoever in India or around the world, who wishes to organise themselves in their own way, is free to do so. No individual or group needs anyone's authorisation or permission to do their own celebrations in relation to ICD/ YBD.
  • The more such initiatives there are the better - in every nation, in every region, in every community, and in every locality. Duplication is good. Multiplicity is good. Variety is even better. The watchwords of the ICD/ YBD are: love, serve, celebrate.
  • All individuals and all groups are free to contact and work with whichever individual or group they wish. The result could be a multiplicity of "national" groups, a multiplicity of "regional" groups, a multiplicity of local groups, and perhaps even a multiplicity of celebrations in the same street.  So much the better.
  • Resources of some limited sort are available from this website, but individual and groups are free to create their own website and have their own resources printed and/or on the internet.
  • The principles of the ICD/YBD Movement are articulated in the Vision & Celebration Guidelines.  However, as there is no central body, there is no way of organising or controlling whether anyone is keeping to these principles or not.
  • A Global Steering Group and India Working Group were setup by volunteers to help with the launch of ICD/YBD on 3 July 2021. Having successfully achieved their primary goal, these groups no longer exist, having come to the end of their agreed mandate.

Declaration of 3 July 2021

This declaration of 3 July 2021 as Indian Christian Day (Yeshu Bhakti Divas*) as an annual day of remembrance, is for followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, of Indian origin, to celebrate the person and message of JESUS CHRIST which was brought to India in 52 AD by one of His twelve disciples, St. Thomas the Apostle.

This day, historically observed as St. Thomas Day, commemorates the martyrdom of the Apostle in 72 AD near Chennai. In marking it in 2021 and every year henceforth, we as followers of the Lord Jesus, also preserve our identity within the Indian cultural heritage, while uniting with all who wish to celebrate, irrespective of language, custom, creed, region or religion.

The celebration of Indian Christian Day (Yeshu Bhakti Divas*) on 3 July 2021, will launch the Decade of Celebration (2021-2030) to honour the 2000th anniversary of the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ whose teaching and life principles have helped to shape and transform India and the world.     

*with corresponding regional names

ICD/YBD Movement Vision

VISION: To celebrate the person and message of Lord Jesus Christ which has been in India for nearly 2000 years (Read Declaration)

OFFICIAL LAUNCH: July 3rd, 2021 and every year henceforth.

WHO CAN CELEBRATE?: All followers of Jesus Christ of Indian origin and all who wish to celebrate the person and message of Jesus Christ.

PEOPLE'S MOVEMENT: A grassroots initiative of Indian followers of Jesus Christ in India and around the world of various languages, denominations and backgrounds

SCOPE & NATURE OF CELEBRATIONS: July 3rd can be observed locally and globally as Indian Christian Day /Yeshu Bhakti Divas or appropriate equivalent as necessary. All celebrations must be absolutely non-political and non-sectarian, encouraging inclusivity of various languages and traditions where possible.

“JUST ONE” ACTION PLAN: For July 3 Celebration, choose at least ONE ACT of love and kindness to bless the community.

  • Churches/Fellowships: Form a planning team, include youth & children and organize a “JUST ONE” action plan for the community outside the church.
  • Individuals/Families: Join together with like-minded friends and organize a “JUST ONE” act of love & kindness for the community.


  • Distribute food or good clothing to poor families
  • Cleaning up the streets, planting trees, etc
  • Host free camps e.g., Eye clinic, dental, medical, literacy, etc.
  • Organize cultural programs with Indian music, dance, festivities
  • Organize competitions for various age groups in art, music, writing, speaking etc
  • Visit nursing homes, hospitals, prisons

SOCIAL MEDIA & GLOBAL CELEBRATION: Print banners & make posters. Update social media profile with ICD/YBD frame and logo. Take photos of celebrations, share on Facebook /Instagram. Write blogs, articles and spread awareness.

MATERIALS PROVIDED: Free PDF downloads of Declaration, Vision Docs & Celebration Guidelines are available on this website.

Ambassador Guidelines

ELIGIBILITY: YOU can be an Ambassador, if you are a follower of Jesus the Lord, believe in the Vision of the Movement and would like to volunteer as an Ambassador.

GUIDELINES: Please read the Movement Guidelines. Additionally, videos of ICD/YBD Vision Events that were held are available for viewing.

AUTHORIZATION: Being a Movement, Ambassadors DO NOT need authorization or endorsement from anyone. Each Ambassador can take their own initiative to speak on behalf of the Movement and spread the word to the millions of followers of Lord Jesus in India, and around the world.

ACCOUNTABILITY: ICD/YBD is a Movement, and not an Organization. Since there is no hierarchy or supervisory structure, Ambassadors hold themselves and one another accountable to the Vision and Movement Guidelines. Since there is no supervision over the Movement, Ambassadors and other celebrants are to ensure that all activities follow the legal guidelines in their region.

FINANCES: Ambassadors are volunteers and finance themselves and pursues their ambassadorial work with their own time & resources. No funds are raised or dispersed in this regard.

SUPPORT: Being part of a global people’s movement, Ambassadors are part of a larger community of followers of Jesus. Above all, the Lord’s almighty and supernatural support is provided to those who are willing to be guided and enabled by Him.

APPRECIATION: The Movement conveys sincere appreciation to every Ambassador who sacrifices time, talent & treasure for this important endeavour to uphold the TRUTH about Lord Jesus in India. India appreciates you, the people appreciate you and most importantly the Lord Jesus, whose Name we worship and exalt, appreciates you.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Ambassadors are the face of the Movement to ensure that the ICD/YBD Vision is propagated without contamination. Ambassadors are passionate about celebrating the TRUTH about Jesus in India, and are committed to spreading the word in their areas of influence.

EVENTS: Ambassadors can organize celebration events in their community through acts of love & kindness. Videos and photos of local celebrations can be directly shared online for the global audience to view. Songs & dances with Indian music and other cultural programs highlighting the rich Indian culture, can be arranged as part of the annual celebration.

RESOURCES: Numerous content-related and other non-financial resources are available from this website and possible other sources, individuals or organisations. The Declaration is available in 20+ languages, and so are the ICD/YBD logo files and other documents. Ambassadors are welcome to use the resources provided here or elsewhere.

PARTNERSHIP: Ambassadors are welcome to setup their own network or partner with any group. Ambassadors are invited to partner with this website indianchristianday.com and the Social Media accounts connected with us. Please like, share & subscribe:

FACEBOOK: fb.com/indianchristianday
YOUTUBE: youtube.com/indianchristianday
INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/indianchristianday


To volunteer
contact indianchristianday@gmail.com

All Rights Reserved Indian Christian Day 2021.